Barry O’Brien is the founder and president of O’Brien Asset Management LLC (OAM), a fee-only financial planning and wealth management firm located in Eliot, Maine and Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

With more than two decades of Wall Street experience coupled with Certified Financial Planner® credentials, he is uniquely qualified to help clients achieve their financial goals.

The Registered Investment Advisory (RIA) was in its infancy back in 2008 when Barry was forming OAM, but it tied in perfectly to the client-centric and financial planning focused model of business that he was looking for.

He had seen firsthand the damage caused by unscrupulous, sales-focused brokers could inflict on people, and the fiduciary standard (client’s interests before your own), that a RIA must adhere to fit in perfectly with that mindset.

Barry lives in Eliot, Maine with his wife Lisa, where they are slowly getting used to life as empty nesters. Avid lovers of the outdoors, they take advantage of everything New England has to offer.